Hello everyone! I am new to the Mirror world, having just been given one by my father. I have not actually seen the boat yet as it is in Maryland, USA and I am in Germany. I will be retiring from the US Army in a month and as part of my homeward journey I will be trailering the boat to Texas, where I will be making my home. Is there anyone in the Central TX area who sails Mirrors? I will be spending time on Lake Belton, Lake Stillhouse Hollow, Lake Buchanan, and Inks Lake. I would be happy to hear from anyone down that way who can help me get lined out.
Sat, 06/21/2014 - 11:58
Germany / Texas
Welcome to the forum. Mirrors are fairly thinly spread both in the USA and in Germany, but Texas has a good crowd of down-to-earth low-cost sailors in the Texas 200 organisation and affiliated groups, so you're sure to find good sailing company, even if there is no Mirror among them.
Have you sailed before or are you a neophyte? Whereabouts in Germany are you? If it's not too far from Berlin, feel free to come and have a look / trial sail on a Mirror before "going home".
If you are a Facebook member, post your query on the "People who love Mirror Sailing Dinghies" group too. Other good sites to ask where other Mirrorists hang out are the "Wooden Boat Forum" http://forum.woodenboat.com/ and "Sailing Anarchy" http://forums.sailinganarchy.com .
Looking forward to hearing more.
Gernot H.
Mon, 06/23/2014 - 00:28
Inherited M-11
If you find the time after picking up your dads gift in Md. you may be passing through West Virginia. I have two M-11's and would welcome meeting you in route to Tx.
Bob Richards aka Soapy