hello, i come from holland and 2 months ago i bying a old mirror for restoration.
he was realy not bad, and have 2 pairs of sailing sets with the same nummer of the boat including spinakers.
in one set er was in de corner of the spinaker a name (signature).
Roy Partridge
IPC (Iver) YC [Yacht Club]
the number of my boat is 58785 and about the list is de boat making in 1978.
Tue, 01/06/2015 - 22:06
Name on spinnaker
I wonder if by any chance Roy Partridge measured the spinnaker and found it legal, thus signing his name to verify it.
Fri, 02/26/2016 - 20:59
Most likely, he spent a quite
Most likely, he spent a quite a bit of time measuring boats and sails at one time.