3 x Mirrors for sale, including no. 39!


My Sea Scout group are reluctantly selling their 3 mirrors as the Scouts and Explorers have outgrown them. There are 3 in total. 2 well used, but in good working order. Both of which have been tested this season.

The third is a very early Mirror, number 39. We have the hull (with number engraved near the transom) and the matching main sail. It also has a daggerboard, tiller and rudder, mast, gaff and boom. It is missing most of the ropes and shrouds and has a small hole in its underside.

We are lead to believe that number 39 is one of the oldest still in existence.

All 3 mirrors are listed on eBay. All proceeds made will go directly back into the Scout Group to help them repair their boat shed.

We also have a Mirror 16 Main sail.

Please take a look...

Number 39:

1st in Good Working Order.

2nd in Good Working Order :

Mirror 16 Sail:


Above we are told that "Scouts and Explorers have outgrown" the Mirror Dinghy. The word outgrown puzzles me. I can understand that they prefer to sail other boats that are perhaps bigger and or faster. But I am sure they probably have not physically outgrown them.
I started sailing a Mirror when I was 51 years of age and am still sailing it at the age of 82. I have grown during these years, not in length but sadly in girth. Yet I am still able to sail it.
Gernot who runs this website, has a chock of white hair and a bright white mustache, so he is no teenager. If you read this website regularly you will know that he participates in multiday long cruises in his Mirror. So it is important that new readers of the MDDF not get the idea that the Mirror is a kids boat.

Much as I'd like to get it (assuming that most of the original wood doesn't need replacing), I don't think I'm the best person to buy no 39 as I've nowhere dry to store or work on it at the moment. If I was in a position to get it now though, I'd want to see much better photos to get a proper idea of how much work would need to be done on it. My worry about this being sold through ebay is that it could go to someone for a small sum who will then just let it rot after finding that there's a lot more to fix than just one hole. I'd like to see a boat as old as this one go to someone who can be trusted to ensure its longterm survival.

sail_and_oar's picture

Check out those pictures on No 39. No stowage bulkhead lockers. No inner gunwales. Bow shapes look a bit funny. Whole boat seems half decent. Definitely needs a good home.


wgsmith 20647's picture

What are the sail number (hull numbers) of the other two craft?

62816inBerlin's picture

Paul Rogers reported on FaceBook: "No 39 now collected. Will need work in places but much better than I expected . the mast is missing and so will have to work out what the bottom of the mast looks like on a Mk 1 to fit the circular mast foot.
anyone know what they look like?"

My congratulations and best wishes for the restoration work.

Gernot H.