Please add my 'new' Mirror to the roll call. I picked it up in Canton OH from what we believe to be the 3rd owner. This boat is named C Lark and is a play on the last name of we think the first owner (John?) Clark and the bird the Sea Lark. The boat has what looks like the US Coast Guard red blaze on each side of a white hull. The red spinnaker has a lark in flight sewed on it in white. I am told this boat was sailed mostly in Columbus OH and was active in US Mirror circles in its day, though I have found no records to confirm this. The boat is in great condition given its age (45 yrs by my count), with very old, now nearly orange sails. It is now based on Lake Lanier in Georgia USA.
If anyone has any anecdotes of reminiscences of this boat, I would be interested to hear of them.
Wed, 11/01/2017 - 12:29
I have no personal knowledge
I have no personal knowledge but I have a 1978-1979 Mirror Class Association book and 20647 was listed to a Jack Clark in Mansfield, OH.
He was also listed as the Commodore of Fleet No 6 the Mohican Sailing Club in Mansfield OH. Jack Clark is also listed as taking 2nd place in 1977 for Fleet 6.
It looks like he passed away in 2002.
It mentions the US Mirror Class Association
f I find anything else I will let you know.
wgsmith 20647
Thu, 11/09/2017 - 01:17
Ed, Thank you for your
Ed, Thank you for your insights and the obvious research you undertook. It is great to get know a bit more about my boat.
Thu, 03/29/2018 - 20:38
Mirror Dinghy
Bill - My father, John F. Holsclaw, was the original owner and builder of MD 20647. The kit was purchased through C.A.B.B.S. (Cleveland Amateur Boating and Boatbuilding Society) and was received in November 1969. The boat was built in Mansfield, Ohio during the 1969-1970 winter and was launched ~June 1970. Sadly, Dad passed away in October 1970 after having sailed the dinghy only a few times. I inherited the sailboat, taught myself to sail and frequently sailed it on the lakes around Mansfield (Clear Fork and Charles Mill) during the 1971 and 1972 summers. It was a fun boat to sail and gave a spirited ride in a stiff breeze. The last time I sailed it was in the fall of 1972. Due to a military service commitment and no place to store the sailboat, I reluctantly sold it (and its Sears trailer) to Jack Clark of Mansfield (2nd owner). I have fond memories of sailing MD 20647 and have numerous photos of the boat under sail in 1971. I would be happy to correspond with you if you desire.
Regards and Best Wishes,
md_1970 / Steve
Sat, 03/31/2018 - 14:01
Hi and Welcome to the Forum!
It's great to see that peoples' and boats' stories are being "unearthed", so to say.
I hope you enjoy browsing around the forum. We are open to all fans and aficionados, not just to peoople who actually still own and/or sail Mirrors!
Gernot H.
Sun, 04/01/2018 - 17:18
Thanks for the Welcome
Gernot - Many thanks for the welcome. After 46 years since saying good bye to MD 20647, I still have fond memories of sailing on Mansfield, Ohio area lakes. It was a sad day when I sold the sailboat, especially since my Dad had lovingly built it. But knowing it would continue to be sailed and provide others with their fond memories was comforting.
If you are able to contact the current owner, wg5smith / Bill, please let him know that 20647's early history was posted in this thread for his review. Thank you.
md_1970 / Steve
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 19:28
I think your boat may be older than 45 years! My father and I bought 26465 Lucy Lastic in Febrruary 1971. Unless the original owner of 20647 held onto the kit for a few years before building it, it may well be a 1970 or even 1969 boat.
Best wishes
John Booth
wgsmith 20647
Thu, 11/09/2017 - 01:20
John, you are correct. my math was out a bit. The paper work that I have indicates that it was built in 1970. (two years before I built my first Mirror!)
Mon, 11/06/2017 - 20:34
Welcome - you're on the roll call
It's wonderful to see another boat emerging from storage and being put back into use instead of ending up on a dump or an illegal bonfire!
As you may have noticed, there are a few Mirrors around in the USA yet. Seeing that the kits/boats were manufactured in Ohio, there are probably more of them lying around in barns and garages.
I've taken the liberty of putting your details on the roll call.
Perhaps someone can revive the US Mirror dinghy association. In the meantime, I hope our forum can provide you with a meeting place / discussion channel that is a bit more focussed than the related Facebook groups.
Gernot H.
wgsmith 20647
Thu, 11/09/2017 - 01:22
Gernot, Thank you for adding this boat to the list.
I did want to share with you and others how I went about finding it, but I will start a new string for this as I am sure there are other prospective Mirror resuscitators who could benefit from it.