A member of the group on Facebook "People who love Mirror Sailing Dinghies" asked what the chances and advantages of having a shorte tiller would be.
When I bought Puffin, the head of the rudder and the tiller attachment were rather crude and broke soon after I started sailing her. I made a new plywood head for the rudder and cut off the broken end of the tiller so that it's shorter than the original whichlooked as if had been made of a piece of oak furniture anyway.
The dimensions , as shown on the photo below, are:
Tiller 800 mm
Extension (not shortened) 600 mm
Distance end of tiller handle to swivel of the extension 150 mm
Puffin's tiller, tiller extension and rudder
Wed, 12/23/2020 - 22:32
Shorter Tiller
By contrast, I do not use an extension very often as I don't like it , and I have made my new tiller longer and the extension shorter. My mainsheet runs from a block at the rudder head alomg the tiller to my hand, so I always have one hand free. I will try to send a drawing of the new rudder stock design and tiller.