I live about 30 minutes from Clywedog reservoir, and until this weekend the only other lake nearby (Llangorse) was closed due to blue/green algae - now finally open to small craft again after two negative water tests. Clywedog is very low at this time of year, necessitating much more pulling/pushing up and down slopes which are normally under water. Muddy too.
Not much wind here either, so a lazy day doing jobs rather than being out on the water.
Two jobs I wanted to get on with before Winter were a nameplate for the boat, and a cut-down blank daggerboard to prevent water ingress under oar (if that is a thing). The nameplate will be fixed to the transom - outboard rather than inboard. It's made from very light (in colour) 3mm spruce ply cut to an oblong. The lettering was hand-drawn in pencil, and has been painted in this morning - dark blue, same colour as the hull. The plate, when finished will be low profile, and glued to the transom with a couple of small decorative brass screws to complete the look. Needs to dry, and a few coats of varnish - I'll post a pic when its in place. It is a little more personal than a vinyl stuck-on name. For some reason that seems important to me.
The cut-down daggerboard has been cut down and edges sealed with varnish. That will be re-varnished and, I suppose, live in the daggerboard casing when the boat is dry or when rowing (or if I eventually decide to get another Seagull outboard). The off-cut may go towards a cover for one of the cubbies in the foredeck.
Wed, 10/20/2021 - 12:40
Go for it!
Anything to stave off boredom!
Looing forward to pictures and more reports.
Autumn is closing in on us here in Berlin too!
Gernot H.
Thu, 10/21/2021 - 10:09
Portable pump.
I previously wrote about a sea-kayak pump which I had bought for the Mirror somewhere on the forum. It's like a tyre pump for a bike, but with a one-way valve which ensures the sucked-up water is expelled through the top hose. These are very cheap (£16.00). I used the pump yesterday to empty two kayaks and a bit of water from the Mirror which had come through the cover (we had a lot or rain in Wales over 48 hours). All boats are being stored outside at the moment due to building work inside the house, for which the garage is being used for storage. Anyway, the pump works really well. Very easy, very fast, light, portable and inexpensive. Highly recommended if you don't have a pump built-in.