introducing of 59936

Hi everyone,

my father Gunter is the owner of "Fulmar" #59936 in Hamburg (Germany), listing in the Roll Call will follow. We bought the mirror from Bell Woodworking in Leicester in 1978.
So far we sailed and toured in Scotland (Northwest Highland and Hebrides coast), Sweden (Värmland), Norway (Viken) and Germany (Baltic Sea, lakes of Schleswig-Holstein). Except as a motor boat we have used the mirror for sailing, fishing, rowing and even sleeping with two people.

In my profil you can see a linocut I made after a 3 week expedition in 1985 along some fjords in Sweden and Norway - what a great boat!

"Mast- und Schotbruch" as we say in Germany!


PuffinInTegel's picture

Schön, dass Sie an Bord kommen.
It's great to see you coming aboard.
Gernot H.