Access permissions changed

Hello and welcome a-online, everyone.

My administrative alter ego has just found the magic menu for setting user permissions.

You should ALL be able to start new threads within a forum now.
Unforunately I had mistaken "containers" for subforums, so I'll have to fix that issue next.


Gernot H.


62816inBerlin's picture

You should all be able to post topics in the relevant groups and post answers (called "comments" here) to existing threads (called "topics" here).

beermatt's picture

I also seem to be able to edit anyone else's original post :-/

U might need to do more clicking round the magic menu!

62816inBerlin's picture

Hello Matt,
Somehow this slipped my attention - you were right!
I don't understand how this came about, but the "edit all comments" checkbox was set for all authenticated users. I have set it back so that now you should only be able to edit your own contributions.
As I pointed out, Peter and I are semi-literate in this field.

beermatt's picture

Np, yes it looks fixed from here now too.

I think you've both done a great job with the forum. Incidentally I am a server/network computer technician (not a web developer, but there's a bit of overlap) so if you need a hand with anything feel free to ask.

