Hi Gernot, given that I can't do much sailing at the moment, I thought I would try again to put some photos of Red Kite's new centreboard on the forum. I've read up what you've said about URLs for photos. I store my photos on iCloud, but it appears to simply store a link to my photos, rather than the actual photos themselves. I hope I won't really need to publish them in Facebook each time in order to obtain a URL. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Best wishes,
Red Kite 53814
Sat, 10/24/2020 - 21:02
Hi John,
HTML function to show pictures expects the address of a picture file, i.e. jpg, png, tif or other known graphic format. It cannot open a link of the type I used here (tag start and end marks left out ):
I'm afraid cloud services do not give third parties (i.e. other than the owner of the specific directories) access to the actual photo URL. I tried this with the Magentacloud some time ago and have just tried again. Apparently a web browser using the
img src="https://www.magentacloud.de/lnk/rKgDi0EL#file" width="90% " alt="puffin reefed"
As you wrote, the link sends you to the directory where you can open the picture to view it or download it or (if you have correct permissions) erase it.
How many pictures have you got and how big are the files? If you put the links in your posts and your cloud allows me to download them, I could copy them to a directory on this site and change the links in your post to photo URLs.
An alternative would be to upload the complete set of pictures you wish to use to the directory on the magenta cloud which we used to share photos three years ago, then I could copy them to a directory on the forum site. You can then use them in your posts as you wish.
Red Kite
Sun, 10/25/2020 - 19:20
Uploading photos
Ok. I'll try your suggestion of uploading the set of photos to the magenta cloud directory. I'm not sure how many photos there are. I'll check, but if there were 10 photos, is that too much or not a lot to upload? I'll do some editing. If you could then let me know the address/site to send the photos to, that would be good. Thanks for your help. It shouldn't be this difficult, should it??
Many thanks,
Sun, 10/25/2020 - 23:34
more clouds
Not at all, the Magentacloud is part of my t-online account anyway and I have 20 GB still free there. If your pictures are too high resolution then I can scale them down. I have an ancient Microsoft photo manager (came with Office 2003 Pro) that allows you to do that very quickly and efficiently. Even on a HD display, a picture size of ~ 1000 x 700 pixels is quite adequate for most purposes.
Red Kite
Mon, 10/26/2020 - 07:19
Thanks. I'll get the photos
Thanks. I'll get the photos organised. After all this, I hope people will find this interesting!
Tue, 10/27/2020 - 20:35
Subject settled
John and I have found a solution.
Anyone else with similar problems sould fee free to send me a personal message via the "contact" function.
Gernot H.
Red Kite
Sun, 11/22/2020 - 09:24
Hi Gernot, please see my
Hi Gernot, please see my latest post under Forums: Building, Repair and Maintenance. Apparently I'm still not getting it right. Sorry for coming back to you on thisgain. Can you see what I'm doing wrong? I cut and pasted the URL from Magentacloud, and altered the final tag to MP2, but it didn't work.
Mon, 11/23/2020 - 12:22
You need the html tags and the full file name!
Hi John,
I've taken the liberty of editing the post and correcting the image entry.
If you now open your post to edit it, you'll see that the image file name is part of a rather lengthy html tag (enclosed by < > ), which you can copy and paste into a new post, then simply change the file name and "alt" text (but that's only a courtesy to readers in case the picture gets lost or deleted, it can be omitted). You have to put the full file name between the inverted commas following the ' img src = ' part of the tag.
You do not need to revert to the magenta cloud if you have the file names on a local drive.
Red Kite
Mon, 11/23/2020 - 12:41
Thanks Gernot. I'll do that.
Red Kite
Thu, 11/26/2020 - 21:26
How do I open my posts once they're posted? My posts with photos don't have have an edit button, only a reply button.
Red Kite
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 09:55
I think I've worked out what the problem is. I have been doing most of my posting using my iPad. There isn't an edit button under the photos when viewed on my iPad, but I've just used my laptop, and it's there! Let's see if that solves the matter.
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 17:20
two accounts?
John, ASFAIK you have two accounts. You can only edit the posts that have been posted using the user name that you are currently logged in as. Perhaps one user on the iPad and the other user on the laptop?
The only reason I can edit posts by other users is that I am an administrator.
I.e. if for instance, someone logs in as "JoeNobody", he or she can only edit posts written by "JoeNobody".
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 18:18
Two accounts
Yes, I'm aware of the two accounts. I'll close one down. Let's see if I've got it nailed now!